Reese Moore Photography

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Charleston Family Portrait: Matt and Kendra Adoption Portfolio

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I've got family on the brain after an amazing Christmas with my loved ones, so it felt like the perfect time to share part two of my photos with Matty and Kendra, who are eagerly hoping an expectant mother will choose them to raise her child.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the most helpful thing I can do for these sweet people is to share their story. Last time, I shared photos I did for their adoption journey a year ago and told you a bit about their desire to become parents.

Today, I want to tell you a bit about Matty and Kendra as people, based on several years of calling them dear friends.

Here's the thing about Kendra and Matty: they show up.

They show up to your house with love and a smile... and sometimes a bundle of sage when you've discovered a squatter in the house you're trying to sell.

They show up and invite you to Thanksgiving (and Easter and New Years's) when you have nowhere to go. They gracefully make room at the table, no matter how last-minute your change of plans might be. There will be a place card with your name on it and a huge hug for you at the door.

When your kayak gets stuck in calf-deep, stinking pluff mud, they are the friends that pull you out and turn the disaster into a source of laughter.

When your original wedding plans and all the accompanying celebrations get canceled because of a global pandemic, they are the friends that ostensibly invite you over for backyard takeout sushi, only for it to actually be the world's sweetest, tiniest surprise bachelorette party, consisting of them and you and your husband-to-be.

Matty and Kendra show up for your joy; they show up for your troubles. They are the kindest, most loving, and gentlest of souls. They are the people who look for the rainbow after the storm, for the silver lining, for any chance to make your day more special or to make you feel more loved. These are the kind of people that make the world a better place, simply by the way they move through it.

If you or someone you know is pregnant and considering adoption, please contact Matty and Kendra at 843-564-5018 and visit their website. I also invite you to share their Facebook page, their Instagram, or this post, if you feel called.